Friday, February 9, 2007

That one thing that bothers me..

About being a ts is not the discrimination, or the hormone shots, or trying to find a job, it is the fact that I cannot hang out with three girlsfriends pick up the phone and call a man that likes me and say: "Can you invite two of your friends over for my girlfriends."

It seems weird and childish but I cannot stop thinking about it. And it all started because I made plans to hang out with one of my girlfriends (another ts) at her house, and I just keep flashing back to when I was hanging out with my non ts friend. (See post "sweet and sour weekend" ) I mean it is soo easy for a girl to call a man up and say; "I am hanging with my girls, if you want to come over you have to bring enough men to keep them occupied." We don't have that. IF you are lucky to find a nice guy who is open about dating ts woman, he still does not hang around other men who do, I mean maybe they do, but I have not met any.

And so we are just left in this weird place where we can have a man, bf, whatever, but he does not have friends for your gf's to date, and isn't that how most people date now? Like I said, I know it is childish and stupid, but it has been bugging me all morning.

oh well.

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