This weekend was soo much fun even though my roommate had to fuck up the last little bit of it. And do you know how she messed it up? because after coming from a friends house party at 3:30 in the morning I found her friends in MY BED making out. Like seriously touching, shirt off, where is the condom session ON MY BED!! Like who does that, I mean really what type of friend has their friends make out on her roommates bed? I mean if they would have been on the floor I would have been angry but not as upset as I was to find them in my bed. And you know what the kicker is! I came back at 3:30. EVERY club in LA closes at 2am so they probably waited until 2:45 to see if I was gonna come back home and then decided; "Oh fuck that bitch, just use her room."
WAIT there is more! So I come in and I'm like " get the fuck out my room" and the boy responds "Can you give me 30 minutes." ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!! Lets just say they got the fuck out of my bed and left my house. My roommate and I dont talk anymore, cause honestly that bitch is shady and I dont like fake people around me.
Whew, now I am done with the negative let me tell you about the positive part of the week. So I went out to this house party and met a cute man. He was HOT bitches! Yes he was mother-fucking HOT!!! But none of the people there knew my T (for those who don't know, that mean he did not know I was born a man). But he kept flirting with me and corning me in the house so finally I just gave in and kissed him. OH MY GOD his lips were soo soft, that we just kept kissing for the entire night. Not only was he a good kisser but he did not know I was a TS which made me feel CUNT!!! CUNT BITCHES!!! I felt like straight up fish on a stick. :-) He was holding my hand, and we kept makiing out when we found a dark corner and not one person at the party knew my T cause if they did I am sure they would have went up to him and told him ( which people have done plenty of times).
Yes I know I was wrong to kiss him because he did not know I was a ts, but if he likes the way I look I dont see THAT much harm is just kissing the man. It is not like I was gonna sleep with him there (Of course if I had a puss I would have!) I just wanted to feel pretty, and usually when I go to parties where people know I am a ts men dont like to come up to me. :-( I know that is a fucked up reason and I promise to try not to do it again, but girl!!! That boy made my 2007!