I went to go see this DREADFUL movie last night and it was a complete waste of time! Compete. Waste. Of. Time. And the movie was free! it was an advanced screening, which, even if the movie is kind of bad I still give it an okay rating. But serious this movie sucked big hairy ass. I dont want to ruin the story but let's just say your money is better spend on a group orgy porno seeing how everyone in the film is sleeping together (which was a BIG disappointment because I thought it was going to be a love story type movie).
I am sure they wanted to make Jennifer the "nice girl," but all I wanted to do was spit in her face. The only person who was amazing and believble was Juliette Lewis, and god knows I love her!!! She stole my heart in 1991 with cape fear and had the nerve to prove herself again with Hysterical Blindness (along with Uma)!
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