Thursday, March 29, 2007

Positive thoughts...

And positive actions are the rules I try to live by,

I know I can be bitchy.. and rude... and nasty, but there is a sweet side to me and I try to express that side more often.

And yesterday was a perfect example! I started my volunteer job at the hospital (I cannot tell you because it would violate confidentiality) but lets say it is a nice one! And I work in the maternity ward. I know right!!! I am msoo fabulous! I mean all I did yesterday was walk through the floor and meet the other staff members, but just putting on my outfit and going into the baby holding area made me want one of my own. :-)

They are soo cute and small. And RED!!! oh my god and there was a cute little black baby with afull head of hair! I am sure I will start writing more once I finish my shawdowing program (which will take another two to three weeks) but I am very exciting, and even though I was tired as shit just being there with all those doctors, and mothers, and babies just gave me a TON of positive energy and thoughts.

I am soo glad I got into the program...


They did a background check and why did my old name come up from this apartment I rented in like 1998 for only 2 months. SERIOUSLY!!! Two months!!! and now my old name is on record. That's some bull shit!

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