And positive actions are the rules I try to live by,
I know I can be bitchy.. and rude... and nasty, but there is a sweet side to me and I try to express that side more often.
And yesterday was a perfect example! I started my volunteer job at the hospital (I cannot tell you because it would violate confidentiality) but lets say it is a nice one! And I work in the maternity ward. I know right!!! I am msoo fabulous! I mean all I did yesterday was walk through the floor and meet the other staff members, but just putting on my outfit and going into the baby holding area made me want one of my own. :-)
They are soo cute and small. And RED!!! oh my god and there was a cute little black baby with afull head of hair! I am sure I will start writing more once I finish my shawdowing program (which will take another two to three weeks) but I am very exciting, and even though I was tired as shit just being there with all those doctors, and mothers, and babies just gave me a TON of positive energy and thoughts.
I am soo glad I got into the program...
They did a background check and why did my old name come up from this apartment I rented in like 1998 for only 2 months. SERIOUSLY!!! Two months!!! and now my old name is on record. That's some bull shit!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
I know I know, I have not posted anything in the longest time but seriously I have been soo dang busy with work I have not had the time to say anything about nothing. I have even missed NUMEROUS screenings that I am suppose to go to. Now I have to pay to see 300, Blades of Glory, Namesake... the list can go one and on! but I did manage to see The Lookout last night, which was good. I actually had not idea what the lookout was about but was pleasently surprised by the end of the movie. Now of course I dont know if I would pay for it, unless I was on a date, and some guy wanted to go, but if you are free, and have seen all the cool movies already then hop, skip and jump you self to The Lookout.

(photo via
BUT while on your pay to see the lookout.. RUN!!!! and let me say it again... RUN! if they try to sell you passes to First Snow. Not only was it boring. (oh my god I always just saw Zodic..... Can someone please tell me why I wasted 3 hours of my life?) But it was predicable. I knew exactly what was going to happen, to whom and why! The only thing exciting about the screening was ths guy that serious was dying in the theatre. I mean like he made this sound like he was coughing up blood and EVERYONE jumped up and was like call the police!!! Mind you the shallow bitches were like.. "excuse me, could you guys stop the movie" The man's head was slumped back for like 3 minutes then all of a sudden he was up and about. Weird huh!? I know! but as a precaution they took the man out and to the hospital.

(photo via
BUT while on your pay to see the lookout.. RUN!!!! and let me say it again... RUN! if they try to sell you passes to First Snow. Not only was it boring. (oh my god I always just saw Zodic..... Can someone please tell me why I wasted 3 hours of my life?) But it was predicable. I knew exactly what was going to happen, to whom and why! The only thing exciting about the screening was ths guy that serious was dying in the theatre. I mean like he made this sound like he was coughing up blood and EVERYONE jumped up and was like call the police!!! Mind you the shallow bitches were like.. "excuse me, could you guys stop the movie" The man's head was slumped back for like 3 minutes then all of a sudden he was up and about. Weird huh!? I know! but as a precaution they took the man out and to the hospital.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
They call him T.I.
Or that is what he wants us to call him.
I guess this week is just full of star sightings for me. Because last night I ran into the atlanta rapper. But guess where... common guess. Where people get food. In Los Angeles. And he is black. That's right! Roscoe's chicken and Waffles. ummmmmm chicken and waffles. I am hungry now

Photo via
I actually knew someone important was coming up because 4 big old cars pulled up. Tinted windows and all. So I, like the lovely sister I am, just continue to walk in to pick up my order. As soon as I step in the door I see little Mr Light skin, and this Tall ass body gaurd. So at first I am thinking "They are here to pick up an order also." but then I am shoved, yes shoved, by this over sized, too grown to be walking up to men asking to take his picture, bitch. Funny thing is his gaurd pushes her back and says "You can take a picture while he is standing here." So I giggle, and say excuse me, and the gaurd makes a little path for me to get by. TALK ABOUT MANNERS!!!
So I picked up my order, and walked out. No crazy stalking, no asking for pictures, no nothing. I sure hope the man was able to eat dinner in peace.
I guess this week is just full of star sightings for me. Because last night I ran into the atlanta rapper. But guess where... common guess. Where people get food. In Los Angeles. And he is black. That's right! Roscoe's chicken and Waffles. ummmmmm chicken and waffles. I am hungry now

Photo via
I actually knew someone important was coming up because 4 big old cars pulled up. Tinted windows and all. So I, like the lovely sister I am, just continue to walk in to pick up my order. As soon as I step in the door I see little Mr Light skin, and this Tall ass body gaurd. So at first I am thinking "They are here to pick up an order also." but then I am shoved, yes shoved, by this over sized, too grown to be walking up to men asking to take his picture, bitch. Funny thing is his gaurd pushes her back and says "You can take a picture while he is standing here." So I giggle, and say excuse me, and the gaurd makes a little path for me to get by. TALK ABOUT MANNERS!!!
So I picked up my order, and walked out. No crazy stalking, no asking for pictures, no nothing. I sure hope the man was able to eat dinner in peace.
Monday, March 19, 2007
The Rich shop together
Os that is what I saw this weekend. At my regular spot. in Beverly Hills. Known as Sprinkles Cupcakes!
Now I am FAR!!! FAR from rich, but I do make a pretty good salary. So I think treating myself to a cupcake, or two, or a dozen everyweekend is not a bad thing. Espcially when those cupcakes are soo dang good!!! Anywho, this time I did not order a dozen, because I planned a nice quiet weekend alone. Just stay home, relax, take a bath. You know CALM! And eating 12 cupcakes, alone, is just plan GREEDY. which meant I had to wait on that GOD AWFUL line, which really wasn't that bad because guess who was right behind me chatting it up!? Miss Paige Hurd. The daughter in Beauty Shop. The little girl in Everyone Hates Chris. Who honestly is just as gorgeous in person as she is in the picture below.

Now mind you she is not a "A" list star.. YET! but she seemed very down to earth, and her mother seemed like the type of woman to put her little ass back in line if she tried. So we talked about cupcakes, and I life and they made waiting in that line seem so nice. Really they made my saturday afternoon a great expreience. I hope they liked the cupcakes in the end because I did. ummmmmmmmm
Now I am FAR!!! FAR from rich, but I do make a pretty good salary. So I think treating myself to a cupcake, or two, or a dozen everyweekend is not a bad thing. Espcially when those cupcakes are soo dang good!!! Anywho, this time I did not order a dozen, because I planned a nice quiet weekend alone. Just stay home, relax, take a bath. You know CALM! And eating 12 cupcakes, alone, is just plan GREEDY. which meant I had to wait on that GOD AWFUL line, which really wasn't that bad because guess who was right behind me chatting it up!? Miss Paige Hurd. The daughter in Beauty Shop. The little girl in Everyone Hates Chris. Who honestly is just as gorgeous in person as she is in the picture below.

Now mind you she is not a "A" list star.. YET! but she seemed very down to earth, and her mother seemed like the type of woman to put her little ass back in line if she tried. So we talked about cupcakes, and I life and they made waiting in that line seem so nice. Really they made my saturday afternoon a great expreience. I hope they liked the cupcakes in the end because I did. ummmmmmmmm
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Party Town
Or it seems like that last night since I ran into EVERYONE (or almost everyone) I know.
First I went out to dinner with my lovely coworker. Who is skinner then me... but eats twice as much! Some Indian restaurant, and really all I like is the naan bread, but I did try this chicken vindaloo (extra spicy) and that shit WAS GOOD!!!! oh my good. At first I was like, nope this is not as good as I thought but by the 4th spoonful my mouth was on FIRE!!!! in a good way. Girl I was shoveling rice, naan, and chicken into my mouth. I ate soo much that I had to start giving my food away. Really for 10 bucks they piled the food one. Electric Lotus I think it is called. If you are in LA, and like indian, go there. Get the Vindaloo. MAD GOOD! Then to top it all off we had chocolate cake. Oh my god, I was about to wet my seat. ummmm chocolate cake... ummmmmmmmmmmm
So after that AMAZING meal I went to meet my friends at... fiesta cantina. The best happy hour, 2 for 1, Karaoke bar on wednesday nights. And who do I meet there!? I meet an old volunteer friend of mine, who is a model. He looks amazing fabulous, best cheek bones ever, and his hair.. bitches, his hair!!!!! is soo soft andf wavey make a girl want to cut it off.
So after like two drinks he is all "we should go to the black club and listen to some "real" music." Now since I have not been to a black club in AGES! and a girl could go for some hip/hop I am like YEAH!! Now on the walk there he is talking about the men and the thugs that hang out there, yada, yada, yada, like I care shit. So we get there, and who do I see. My ex. FIRST PERSON I run into. So we say hi, and I am expecting him to sit in the back - as usual- and just watch, but when I go looking for him I find out he left. HE LEFT! :-( I felt sad when he told me, because of two reasons: 1. He either had some girl with him and did not want me to see, in which case I thought we were close enough to were he would tell me about her. 2. He did not want to see me in the club because in his mind we reallly are over. Both I dont like, and both kind of make me feel like the bitch.
But anyway, I am getting off topic. So we get there, and the music is nice. Love the music. Would go again. But there was not a "MAN" in the entire club. All of the men there was femmed up! Made a girl feel like she needed to take an extra shot of hormones to stay up to par. They were shaking their boots, rolling on the floor, looking a hot mess with like 200 lbs worth of muscle on their body. Now I am not one to discriminate, but dont tell me there are "THUGS" at the club when really all you have is a bunch of butch queens dancing. I was over them after like 10 minutes. As my friend should have been too because they were not paying his femme ass no mind. They all wanted some thugged out man also. The best you got is to pretenda-thugs dancing together (which made it worse because the way they were dancing let you know they were femmes).
But it was a good nice still. Had dinner, had a ciggy, and went dancing. And trust my hair was sitting the entire time.
First I went out to dinner with my lovely coworker. Who is skinner then me... but eats twice as much! Some Indian restaurant, and really all I like is the naan bread, but I did try this chicken vindaloo (extra spicy) and that shit WAS GOOD!!!! oh my good. At first I was like, nope this is not as good as I thought but by the 4th spoonful my mouth was on FIRE!!!! in a good way. Girl I was shoveling rice, naan, and chicken into my mouth. I ate soo much that I had to start giving my food away. Really for 10 bucks they piled the food one. Electric Lotus I think it is called. If you are in LA, and like indian, go there. Get the Vindaloo. MAD GOOD! Then to top it all off we had chocolate cake. Oh my god, I was about to wet my seat. ummmm chocolate cake... ummmmmmmmmmmm
So after that AMAZING meal I went to meet my friends at... fiesta cantina. The best happy hour, 2 for 1, Karaoke bar on wednesday nights. And who do I meet there!? I meet an old volunteer friend of mine, who is a model. He looks amazing fabulous, best cheek bones ever, and his hair.. bitches, his hair!!!!! is soo soft andf wavey make a girl want to cut it off.
So after like two drinks he is all "we should go to the black club and listen to some "real" music." Now since I have not been to a black club in AGES! and a girl could go for some hip/hop I am like YEAH!! Now on the walk there he is talking about the men and the thugs that hang out there, yada, yada, yada, like I care shit. So we get there, and who do I see. My ex. FIRST PERSON I run into. So we say hi, and I am expecting him to sit in the back - as usual- and just watch, but when I go looking for him I find out he left. HE LEFT! :-( I felt sad when he told me, because of two reasons: 1. He either had some girl with him and did not want me to see, in which case I thought we were close enough to were he would tell me about her. 2. He did not want to see me in the club because in his mind we reallly are over. Both I dont like, and both kind of make me feel like the bitch.
But anyway, I am getting off topic. So we get there, and the music is nice. Love the music. Would go again. But there was not a "MAN" in the entire club. All of the men there was femmed up! Made a girl feel like she needed to take an extra shot of hormones to stay up to par. They were shaking their boots, rolling on the floor, looking a hot mess with like 200 lbs worth of muscle on their body. Now I am not one to discriminate, but dont tell me there are "THUGS" at the club when really all you have is a bunch of butch queens dancing. I was over them after like 10 minutes. As my friend should have been too because they were not paying his femme ass no mind. They all wanted some thugged out man also. The best you got is to pretenda-thugs dancing together (which made it worse because the way they were dancing let you know they were femmes).
But it was a good nice still. Had dinner, had a ciggy, and went dancing. And trust my hair was sitting the entire time.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Spend like your dying!
Or that was my attitude ths weekend!!!
SPEND SPEND SPEND!!! Girl I spent about 800 bucks, on shoes and a bag. Which did not include a stop at the guess store, or pump, or D&G (which I did not buy anything because all the shit in the store was ugly). Then I had the god awful nerve to actually go to the casino and lose 100 bucks. Great times great times......

Just to let you all know for the past hour and a half I have been TRYING to upload my image of my boots. I think something is wrong with blogspot, but hopefully when I come in bright and early tomorrow this website will be up and running. We shall see.
Bitches are gonna be jealous!
SPEND SPEND SPEND!!! Girl I spent about 800 bucks, on shoes and a bag. Which did not include a stop at the guess store, or pump, or D&G (which I did not buy anything because all the shit in the store was ugly). Then I had the god awful nerve to actually go to the casino and lose 100 bucks. Great times great times......

Just to let you all know for the past hour and a half I have been TRYING to upload my image of my boots. I think something is wrong with blogspot, but hopefully when I come in bright and early tomorrow this website will be up and running. We shall see.
Bitches are gonna be jealous!
So I have not posted in exatly 10 days, and do you know why!? Because my life is soo fucking HOT right now. I mean seriously I am loving 2007, I hope it never ends! NEVER EVER!
So let me start off with job news. I got a raise. Yes yes, not that exciting... but when I add, "Working with Tori and Dean" Then all hell breaks loose. All the 90210 fans start calling me up, ask, begging, bribing me into letting them see her, sniff her clothes, walk into her house, pet her stomach, you name it. Weird huh!? And honestly I was never a 90210 fan, nor melrose place, or any of those shows with stupid kids (Note I did not mention spoiled or white, because I grew up in a spoiled "white" environment and we did not act like that!). I honestly think the shows did so, well because people like to assume rich kids act a certain way. Anyway I digress. I got a raise, on a cool show, and I am learning sooo much!
Now one show would NEVER keep me away from my lovely readers, but 3 or 4 might! Which, I found out later, seemed to be attached to the raise they gave me. I am currently helping 4 shows, will be back to 3 next week, but all the shows are pretty organized so I dont really have to worry much. Does take alot of work, and I am usually here until 8 or 9pm, but honestly, I LOVE IT! I am learning soo much, and contrary to popular belief I actually enjoy it... my thing is, LET ME LEARN! If I am given the oppertunity to learn and evolve then I am a happy bitch, staying at work until 9, having a 10 minute lunch, waking up exhausted and all!
Sadly with all the responcibility I had to pass up another job offered to me. But I honestly think I will learn more here. Opps, let me finish this spreadsheet and then I will post about my shopping week!!! GIRL! I SPENT WAY TOO MUCH MONEY!
So let me start off with job news. I got a raise. Yes yes, not that exciting... but when I add, "Working with Tori and Dean" Then all hell breaks loose. All the 90210 fans start calling me up, ask, begging, bribing me into letting them see her, sniff her clothes, walk into her house, pet her stomach, you name it. Weird huh!? And honestly I was never a 90210 fan, nor melrose place, or any of those shows with stupid kids (Note I did not mention spoiled or white, because I grew up in a spoiled "white" environment and we did not act like that!). I honestly think the shows did so, well because people like to assume rich kids act a certain way. Anyway I digress. I got a raise, on a cool show, and I am learning sooo much!
Now one show would NEVER keep me away from my lovely readers, but 3 or 4 might! Which, I found out later, seemed to be attached to the raise they gave me. I am currently helping 4 shows, will be back to 3 next week, but all the shows are pretty organized so I dont really have to worry much. Does take alot of work, and I am usually here until 8 or 9pm, but honestly, I LOVE IT! I am learning soo much, and contrary to popular belief I actually enjoy it... my thing is, LET ME LEARN! If I am given the oppertunity to learn and evolve then I am a happy bitch, staying at work until 9, having a 10 minute lunch, waking up exhausted and all!
Sadly with all the responcibility I had to pass up another job offered to me. But I honestly think I will learn more here. Opps, let me finish this spreadsheet and then I will post about my shopping week!!! GIRL! I SPENT WAY TOO MUCH MONEY!
Monday, March 5, 2007
How to un-gay your child!
This has to be a joke.. seriously... it has to be a joke!
This has to be a joke.. seriously... it has to be a joke!
So your saying I should be cheap....
Is the lesson I learned from my ex's friend (I know I spend lots of time with my ex). Because this weekend we went to red lobster! It was fabulous. I got the ultimate feast and ate like 3 baskets of cheesy bread all by myself. I LOVE SEAFOOD, and it is not even good sea food but I just cannot help myself. But do you want to know why!? Because I am allergic to shell fish. Yup.. ALLERGIC! My father will actually die if he eats it because his throat closes up. Me I get an ichy throat, maybe some redness on my finger tiips but nothing serious... YET! So I try to eat as much sea food as possible before my thoat closes up for good. I know I know I heard it all before, playing with fire, tempting deaf, yada yada yada... I NEED MY SEAFOOD!!!
Anyway, let me finish my story, so we all go out to eat 6 of us, and my ex decides to pay for the entire mean (Now I was gonna pay for the entire meal but he beat me to it). We both share the idea that if you go out for a birthday with friends (max 8) one person beside the partner, child, or close blood relative should pay for the meal. It is only right. I mean the partner probably brought them something personal, as did the child and relative, so a friend should AT LEAT treat them to dinner.
This caused a big ole fight. CLEARLY she did not want him ( I originally wrote "us," I know I know.. save for another post) to pay for dinner. Don't ask me why but later we get a call saying she felt left out of the meal, and blah blah blah "I'm a bitch with an attitude because I did not get my husband a birthday gift and paying for dinner with friends - being comepletely UN-PERSONAL - is the only planned gift I had for him, because I am not a good wife, and I dont care enough about my husband to actually think of a good and personal gift. "
Yup... that was my Sat. Sunday I did laundry and made some chicken crockpot. It is fabulous.
Anyway, let me finish my story, so we all go out to eat 6 of us, and my ex decides to pay for the entire mean (Now I was gonna pay for the entire meal but he beat me to it). We both share the idea that if you go out for a birthday with friends (max 8) one person beside the partner, child, or close blood relative should pay for the meal. It is only right. I mean the partner probably brought them something personal, as did the child and relative, so a friend should AT LEAT treat them to dinner.
This caused a big ole fight. CLEARLY she did not want him ( I originally wrote "us," I know I know.. save for another post) to pay for dinner. Don't ask me why but later we get a call saying she felt left out of the meal, and blah blah blah "I'm a bitch with an attitude because I did not get my husband a birthday gift and paying for dinner with friends - being comepletely UN-PERSONAL - is the only planned gift I had for him, because I am not a good wife, and I dont care enough about my husband to actually think of a good and personal gift. "
Yup... that was my Sat. Sunday I did laundry and made some chicken crockpot. It is fabulous.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Long time no chat..
And I am sorry I have not posted in a hot minute, but I am busy. *blush*
I got a promotion. I am finally back to coordinating, which is what I do best. I also got accepting into this hospital volunteering program - with proper background check and immunizations. And I just got my refund check.. Life just keeps getting better for me in 2007!!!
As far as gossip and info I dont have shit. Nothing. For the past week I have been working but I promise next time I post your mouth will water!
I got a promotion. I am finally back to coordinating, which is what I do best. I also got accepting into this hospital volunteering program - with proper background check and immunizations. And I just got my refund check.. Life just keeps getting better for me in 2007!!!
As far as gossip and info I dont have shit. Nothing. For the past week I have been working but I promise next time I post your mouth will water!
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