(via comedy central)
Was the WORST MOVIE ever!!! Not only was it not funny but they kept me waiting FOREVER to get into screening. The sad thing is I really did want to see the movie, then poof first this stupid stunt (which was a waste of money and time), then the 18 different "check points" I had to pass through like Angelina and BRad were coming, and then! that fucking bitch Niecy Nash (Deputy Raineesha Williams) did not say a fucking word. NOT A FUCKING WORD!!! The entire cast is kind enough to stand up on stange and thank everyone for coming, and one by one everyone is saying a little snip-it of info, and the mic goes to that bitch and she does not say one word. All you see is Cedric Yarbrough (Deputy S. Jones) run over and grab the mic and say "Thank you from the entire cast." Covering for that bitch.
The only thing that made the movie tolerable was the free popcorn... but you could not order anything else!!!! I usually want nachos and a slurpie with my popcorn, maybe even a hot dog. But NOOOOOOOOO, just pre-made popcorn and soda (Only Sierra Mist - which I am sure causes cancer- Pepsie, and Diet Pepsie). Over all the night was a BIG disappointment. Sorry Reno911 but you are off my DVR line up!
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